60/30, Near Ramjas Road, New Rohtak Road, Delhi contact@advantagetennistours.com
Making Champions. Transforming students into champions in life.

Terms and Conditions

1. Online Advertising and Marketing Services

Advantage Tennis Tours provides a number of services to help businesses increase their online visibility. You agree to the Terms of Service outlined below by engaging us. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance.

2. Advertising Material

Advantage Tennis Tours has the right to place information pertaining to your business on any of the publisher and search provider websites such as those listed above and you authorize Advantage Tennis Tours to develop content based on information or material provided by you or your designees and collected by Advantage Tennis Tours including copy, form, size, text, graphics, names, addresses, phone numbers, URLs, logos, trade names, trademarks, service marks, endorsements, photographs or likenesses, and videos. Further, you represent that the material and information you provide to Advantage Tennis Tours is truthful, not misleading, and that you have the authority to represent this product and service information to Advantage Tennis Tours . Additionally, if so contracted, you authorize Advantage Tennis Tours to contact your customers for the sole purpose of gaining endorsements and reviews of your products and services for publication. Further, articles, press releases, and blog postings will be sent for approval before publishing. The timeliness of these pieces is critical to campaign performance. For this reason, all monthly content will be considered approved one week after the content was sent for approval unless requested edits or other communication is received from the client. Finally, you authorize Advantage Tennis Tours to utilize tracking phone numbers, and even record calls on your behalf, for ‘customer service’ purposes, and upon automatic notification to all incoming callers on tracking phone numbers if/when that service is contracted. Domains purchased on your behalf will be released to you within thirty (30) days after service has been terminated.

3. Unacceptable Practices

As CWS strives to offer the very best service, there are certain guidelines and policies that must govern CWS’ efforts and relationships with its clients. Practices that are in violation of these guidelines and policies are strictly forbidden and may result in the immediate termination of CWS’ services. Such decisions are at the sole discretion of CWS. Unacceptable practices include, but are not limited to:

1. Adult or pornographic material including, but not limited to, sexually explicit or suggestive material
2. Sexually oriented products or services (e.g. escort services), or other sexually oriented material
3. Nudity, including airbrushing (exceptions granted on a case-by-case basis if for medical or artistic purposes)
4. Lingerie websites
5. Offensive or otherwise distasteful material
6. Content or language that is harmful to minors in any way
7. Bulk emailing tools
8. Distribution of internet viruses or other harmful or destructive activities
9. Hacking and cracking
10. Scams or phishing for personal information
11. Solicitation of funds other than for legal charitable organization (exceptions granted on a case-by-case basis at CWS’ discretion)
12. Illegal Gambling, gaming, lotteries, and like activities Harmful, threatening, violent, abusive, harassing, tortuous, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, racial, chauvinistic, ethnically offensive, complaint websites, or otherwise objectionable content or language
13. Defamatory, hateful or revenge content or language.
14. Aids to pass drug tests or aids to pass lie detector tests.
15. Illegal activities such as ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, fraudulent charging of credit cards, copyright violations, plagiarism,
16. Piracy, and all unauthorized use of materials or content that infringes on third parties’ intellectual properties
17. MLM without a legitimate product or service, with a front product or service, or where the primary intent is to recruit new members rather than to sell products
18. Reverse Funnel Systems
19. Cash Gifting
20. Illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia
21. Alcohol sales
22. Tobacco sales
23. Miracle cures
24. Fake documents
25. Fireworks, pyrotechnics, firearms, explosives or weapons.
26. Intentional or unintentional violations of any applicable local, state, national or international law.
27. Reselling of email accounts or hosting accounts to third parties.
28. Reselling of any CWS services including, but not limited to, design services, updates, and WTD to third parties without a written re-seller agreement.
29. Spamming and all other forms of unsolicited messages including, but not limited to, spam, chain letters, and junk email
30. Links to other sites that are in violation of Advantage Tennis Tours’ policies and guidelines
31. Other activities, whether lawful or unlawful, that CWS deems to be in poor taste or that reflect adversely on CWS or CWS’ other clients

Upon the contingency which Advantage Tennis Tours accepts a contract for services on this list, any and all work performed will be compensated regardless of approval by Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other outside agency.

4. Fees

You agree to pay Advantage Tennis Tours monthly fees up to the amount mentioned in your most current Advantage Tennis Tours Contract to cover the cost of placing and managing your online advertising & marketing services programme. Advantage Tennis Tours may, with notification, adjust the maximum monthly fees in accordance with rules established by our search providers and publishers. Each calendar month's costs are due at the end of the month.

A 3% processing fee is applied to all credit card transactions. If an account is 45 days past due, all campaign activity will be suspended until the account is brought current. The account will be turned over to collection after 90 days.

Cardinal reserves the right to apply incremental media markup fees of up to 25% on any media account to cover the additional costs of placing media.

5. Payment

The Client undertakes to compensate Advantage Tennis Tours for the Services agreed upon between the Client and the Company as set forth in this agreement and stated in the contract. Payments for services supplied by the Company in a given month are due on the last day of that month. New contracts that begin service on a date other than the 1st of the month will be charged a prorated price for the remainder of the month. Each month, invoices are delivered on or around the 15th. Payment must be made by check or credit card by the final day of the month (Net 15). If payment is not received by the due date, marketing and advertising programmes may be halted; re-initiation fees may apply.

6. Term

The Advantage Tennis Tours Contract specifies the initial term for which program rates will be guaranteed, and will be for no less than twelve (12) months for custom programs. All agreements are auto-renewing at the then published service rates. After the initial agreement period, either party may cancel the program with a 30-day written notice to the other party.

7. No Guarantees

Advantage Tennis Tours offers no specific guarantee or assurance about the search providers and publishers to whom it submits advertising on your behalf, including placement of paid search advertising or any specific results. Advantage Tennis Tours does not guarantee the quantity of calls, clicks, impressions, or website visits, nor does it guarantee that paid search advertising will appear in answer to any given query. Advantage Tennis Tours does not guarantee error-free performance, but will act quickly to remedy mistakes once they are discovered.